
Trades and Swaps

If you would like to trade with me for any of the following items,
send me an email: thegirlscoutlife (at)
I’ll need your name, address, and what you want to swap.

Convention Swaps
Have leftover swaps from the Girl Scout National Convention?
Send them to me and get a variety in return!
You will get just a few less than what you send, to help compensate for broken swaps.
Please send in a bubble envelope or small box. You will also need to pay for return shipping. You can send it in the package itself, or email me for information on sending through paypal. Shipping would be the same price as what it is when you send it.

SWAPS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN AUGUST 20TH. Those arriving later will be put in the second group of swaps and may get a mix of convention and random event swaps.

Leftover Swaps
Have leftover swaps from an event? Or a non-event?
Send them to me and get a variety in return!
You will get just a few less than what you send, to help compensate for broken swaps.
Swaps sent to you will be from events, troops, and Girl Scouts all over the country!
Please send in a bubble envelope or small box (small box recommended to keep swaps from breaking). You will also need to pay for return shipping. You can send it in the package itself, or email me for information on sending through paypal. Shipping would be the same price as what it is when you send it.
This is ongoing and you can request to swap at any time. Please no more than 30 of one kind at this time, and no printed license plate swaps.

I love ATCs! Swap a few Girl Scout themed ATCs with me. I also swap inchies and other sized art cards. I’ll send the same amount to you as you send to me.

Want a personalized Girl Scout bookmark? Make me one and I’ll return the favor!

Send me a Girl Scout themed postcard (please no cards with out something Girl Scouts in the picture) and I will send a Girl Scout one in return! Check out my current collection here.

Flat Juliette/Stanley/Animal
Flat or not flat, send it to me and I’ll show them around and send you pictures in return.